Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Scrapbooking layout - For the 1st time

I bought a deal from WEBUY deal site - RM15 for a Getting Started Class (Page Layouts) @ Scrappingville, Bangsar Shopping Centre which normally worth RM55. Website link:-

Scrappingville's blog site:-

I went with 5 of my friends for the scrapbooking layout class together on the Sat, 26th October 2011. I decided to made 1 for my best friend in UK for her bday since she was coming back and this is what I made. I just added a stand and plastic wrapper to make it a photo frame thingy. Tada !!!

My masterpiece

 2 Angels.....keke

Double heart origami

My friends masterpiece :-

Jessie's family potrait 

 Sisterly love done by Jessie's older daughter

Mun Yan and her friend 

Florence and her friendS 

Not bad for 1st timers?

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