Saturday, May 4, 2013

Scrapbook Album - Purple Theme

This Scrapbook album is for my good friend's 30th birthday, she was someone close whom I know for the longer time. I knew her from my primary school days, she was very fierce then and was like my big sis during those days, but now, she is more a lady than I am. The older she gets, the prettier she becomes. I remembered that she likes purple colour, so I made this scrapbook with the purple theme in mind. However, some pages did not turn out to be purple, this album took forever to finish as I included to many effects in it.
There were a few sections to this album:

Cover and introduction - Her nickname was dreamy, so I used the word 'dream' on the cover. The purple 3D flowers were hand made (I will show the technique of  making this in a separate post). Add pearls into the words to make it look more elegant. Her name was made using the weaving technique. I spray the cover using some sort of protective spray, it end up coming out giving the bubble effect. I am not sure whether that is how it is suppose to turn out, but it actually turn out really nice.

About her - I used corset picture and ribbon corset technique here. I also added doilies and made Japanese doll bookmarks (will show in a separate post) here.

Family - Here I made a window which can open up, her family tree, a pop-up house and just a page with collage of papers.

Friends - Here I made a lot of pockets, there is also a pop-up with movable mermaids which seems to be the favourite page amongst my friends. Then, there is some messages from friends and she can keep other cards or messages from friends here too, she can also choose to display whichever she likes.

 Birthday - I made a month calendar which can't be seen clearly, I will probably show this in a separate post. There is also a tri-fold or shutter card in the 3rd picture below, just go to you tube and search for 'tri-fold or shutter card', there are lots of videos on how to make it. There is also a 3D popup cake here which doesn't look too good after being folded.

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