Saturday, May 4, 2013

Scrapbook (Star Pop-Up Book) - Newborn Baby Boy Graphic 45 Little Darlings

I was browsing the internet on DIY craft projects and came across this nutcracker star pop-up book, I found the concept interesting because you can close it up for keeping and open it up as a display. I did not find any instructions on the internet on how to make it then, but it was definitely my inspiration for my next DIY project. The link to the project is and the end product looks link this:-

Christmas star pop-up book

As my best friend from UK was coming back for Chinese New Year which was sometime in February, I decided to make this for her since it would be convenient for her to carry it back and she could display it when she reaches back to UK. My project is using the graphic 45 "Little Darlings" line which I simply adore. My project looks like this:-

Front (The process) - From Engagement, to wedding, to getting pregnant.......I didn't include a picture of the back as it is just a plain blue cardboard page.

 In its book form

Arrival of newborn baby boy 

 The whole family

Baby Owen with Mummy and Daddy

Pictures of baby Owen 

Hall of Fame - Pictures can be changed 

 In its star pop-up display form

Those pages with picture in the middle are movable parts using either brad or 3D buttons so that the picture will not get destroyed when folded into a book,

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